Open Education Center, Vocational Colleges, and High Schools

|  Open Education Center and Vocational Colleges at MUST

Besides excellent undergraduate and graduate programs, MUST offers various programs for continuing education, associate degrees, vocational education, and full secondary education. MUST has three types of educational organizations that offer such programs.

  1. MUST Open Education Center

    • It provides faculty and prospective academic staff with various teaching and learning programs as well as offering quality master's and doctoral programs in education studies.  The Center is also nationally recognized as a leader in promoting educational digital transformation, new pedagogy, and blended learning. 
  2. MUST KOSEN College of Technology 

    • Colleges of Technology, or "kosen," are institutions of higher education that exist in Japan.  MUST is one of the universities that intiated it in Mongolia.  The Kosen program offers five years of integrated education after graduation from junior high school (five and a half years for departments related to industrial fields).
  3. MUST High School 

    • MUST High School recruits the best candidates from secondary schools. It offers a unique science and technology education as well as offering its students a full secondary education. The high school also provides its students with opportunities to participate in international cultural programs and special language education. 

Open Education Center |

  • Teaching and Learing Lab 
  • Learning Digital Technology and Design Lab
  • Faculty and Experts of Teaching and Learning  
  • Faculty and Experts  of Learning Digital Technology and Design

MUST KOSEN College of Technology |   

  • Department of Basic Education
  • Department of Engineering and Technology Majors
  • Faculty of Basic Education
  • Faculty of Engineering and Technology 

MUST High School |

  • Team of Academic Affairs
  • Team of Teaching and Learning 
  • Principal and Academic Staff
  • Teachers