Hiroshima University working in partnership with our university has announced HUSA (Hiroshima University Study Abroad) program.
Hiroshima University is selected as one of Japan’s 13 Top Global Universities on December 14, 2014.
HUSA program homepage: https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/husa
According to the Hiroshima, university request up to 2 students will be accepted from undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Science and Technology in AY2023/24.
Students can be enrolled at our university either full academic year (2023 Fall semester and 2024 Spring semester) or the 2023 Fall semester only.
HUSA students are eligible to choose from most undergraduate courses. https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/en/husa/abouthusaprogram_top/academicprogram/coursetypes in the field of medicine, law, practicum for pedagogy, and laboratory training for science and engineering courses, there are courses that HUSA students are not eligible to take. https://momiji.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/syllabusHtml_en/
Language requirements
Applicants need to be proficient either in English OR Japanese.
If you are interested in studying at Hiroshima University with HUSA program, you can submit a
The HUSA program covers tuition fees and the selected students have to pay other expenses.
Selected applicants will be invited to the interview before 26 February 2023 and we will nominate 2 students to the HUSA program.
fucker by team1722
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