Our partner university NUPACE has opened the online nomination system for incoming exchange students for the academic year 2023-2024 (Fall semester 2023, and Spring semester 2024 admission).
For more information about NUPACE, visit https://nupace.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/
Students who meet the following requirements are eligible to apply for NUPACE:
Non-native English speakers who wish to participate in the NUPACE English-language curriculum should possess a minimum TOEFL iBT score of 79, an IELTS overall band score of 6.0, a TOEIC score of 780, a CEFR average grade of B2, a CET-6 score of 485, or the equivalent. *
Students intending to take regular university courses instructed in Japanese must possess level N1 or 1 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), or the equivalent. Students intending to enroll in the introductory courses taught in Japanese are required to possess at least level N2 of the JLPT.
MUST will nominate students who meet the requirement above and Nagoya University will make a decision on acceptance.
According to the agreement between 2 universities, exchange students shall be exempt from paying tuition fees (including application and registration fees) at Nagoya University.
If you meet the requirements and are interested in NUPACE, please send the official transcript of your academic record, language proficiency document, and a brief CV to odonchimeg@must.edu.mn before 23 February 2023.
fucker by team1722
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