2016-01-27 19:13



Within the Program Erasmus+/KA1 HIGHER EDUCATION

Deadline for Preliminary Applications (“Declaration of Interest”): 15 February 2016

The Mongolian University of Science and Technology in the ERASMUS+ framework hereby publishes a call for international staff Mobility with the University of Pisa supported by the European Commission through the project 2015-1-IT02-KA107-014705 (2015-2017).

Eligible participants
Allteaching and non-teaching staffemployed regularly in the partner Universities are eligible to present the Declaration of interest for the pre-selection.

Activities supported

  • 1 Staff Training mobility (as foreseen in the IIA with Pisa) at the University of Pisa for 5 days.

Conditions to apply:

  • Applicants must be active full-time staff of the University of xxx
  • The Hosting higher education institution is the University of Pisa.
  • Main subject field as foreseen in the IIA with the University of Pisa for the mobility 2015-17

Staff mobility for Training

  1. taff members are selected by the sending higher education institution. The sending institution and the receiving institution must have agreed on the programme of the activities to be undertaken by the visiting staff member (Mobility Agreement) prior to the start of the mobility period.
  • The teaching or training period at the University of Pisa must be fully recognized by the home University in accordance with the terms laid down in the Mobility Agreement.
  • Applicants are consideredfull-time staff of the sending institution also during the teaching or training period abroad.

Selection Criteria:

The candidates will be selected on the basis of personal motivation, intercultural abilities, knowledge of English and academic excellence. The criteria will include the usefulness of the teaching or training plan, on which the receiving Institutions will be consulted, and the expected results to present and future university priorities.

The mobile staff will be awarded a grant for travel cost and for subsistence and expenses during the 5 days in Pisa:
The amount of the grant for travel is a unit cost related to the distance between the place of origin and Pisa

Calculated with the EU Distance Calculator:

The total individual support for 5 days in Pisa is 950 EUR. Conditions and requirements to obtain the grant for staff mobility will be defined in the Grant agreement that the staff selected will sign with the University of Pisa before her/his departure.

How to apply:

The University of Pisa hereby invites staff employed in the partner of Mongolian University of Science and Technology to present a “Declaration of Interest” in order to participate the selection for the Erasmus international individual mobility. They should present the “Declaration of Interest”, using the form included in Annex 1 of this Call, to their own Erasmus Coordinator, along with the following documents:

1) CV in English

2) A draft mobility program

3) English Language Certificate B2/ or Italian Language certificate B2 (or a statement proving that the staff’s English (or Italian) language knowledge reaches the intermediate level.

The statement can be based on the European Language Levels (CEFR) self evaluation grid available at:

4) Any other useful information

The deadline for presenting the Declaration of Interest (and documents above listed) at the home Institution is 11 January/15 February 2016.

The first selected candidate for each mobility flow will complete his or her Application by preparing a formal Mobility Agreement which includes detailed descriptions of the activities to be carried out. The Mobility Agreement will be furnished to the candidates by the Erasmus coordinator of the home university, who will assist them in completing it, so that it can be sent by e-mail to the University of Pisa by or on 15 February 2016.

The final approval by the University of Pisa will be announcedwithin 15 days from the arrival of all the required documentation.

Call Published: 11 January 2016

Annex 1: Declaration of Interest

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