
Extension of residential permission

1.                  Extension of Center for Employment Service permission

It should be noticed that 1 month prior to the Office of International Affairs may be able to extend residential permission. The Office of International Affairs makes requests to the Center for Employment Service. The following items are necessary:

·      Official letter from Office of International Affairs

·       Passport copy

·       Fee (State fund bank, Center for Employment Service, account no.: 900037003, 1 per person 15.000)

·       Social insurance report /7, 8 forms/, last 3 months/

·         Enquiry /form/

·         Foreign citizens application /application form/

·         State registration certificate of MUST /Notarized/

·       Certificate of Special Service of MUST

1.                   Extension of the Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens

Official person from inviting schools and departments and invited international faculty and expert should be present at the Office of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens with following documents.

·       Extension letter from Center for Employment Service

·       Official letter from Office of International Affairs

·       Statement of district

·       Passport

Affiliated schools