On 20th January, MUST established cooperation agreement with the Metropolitan Department of Family, Child and Youth Development, and the Center of Addictology, Behavior and Psychotherapy. In the signing ceremony, Dr. Uuganbayar, Director of International Relations and Social Partnerships of the MUST, Ms. Gan-Ulzii, Director of the Department of Family, Child and Youth Development, Ms. Gan-Ulzii, Director of Family, Ms. Davaajargal, Director of Family, Child and Youth Development of Bayangol District, Mr. Ganbat, Director of the Center of Addictology, Behavior and Psychotherapy, Ms. Munkhchuluun, Deputy director of Health, Research and Training, Dr. Nyamdorj, School of Business Administration and Humanities, Dr. Bat-Ulzii, senior lecturer, Dr. Bolormaa, senior lecturer, and Dr. Ariutsetseg, senior lecturer attended.
In the framework of the collaboration, various activities would be implemented such as: digitalize the public and citizen’s education, blended training, and using AI for family, child and youth development. Therefore, organize the training of health and social education for MUST academic staff.
Potential areas of the collaboration are aimed to the students, especially for their knowledge and education for family and child development, and prevention from the crime, addiction, alcoholism and drugs, and provide internship for the students of Social work program.
Moreover, both parties agreed to develop social based business partnership, implement international joint project and train the social workers for professional development programs.
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