The National Open Olympiad, "Basics of Electrotechnics" concluded on May 6, 2023, announcing the results. The final stage of the National Open Olympiad, dedicated to the Basics of Electrotechnics course, was successfully conducted.
During the first round of selection, which took place from April 17 to 21, 2023, more than 15,000 students participated from various universities. The top six finalists included teams from the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), the National University of Mongolia (NUM), the Mongolian University of Life Science (MULS), the National University of Technology (NUT), the German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology (GMIT), New Mongolia College of Technology (NMCT), Institute of Railway (IT), and Mongol Koosen Collage of Technology (MK). A total of 70 students from 14 teams competed in the Olympiad.
The student's knowledge and skills were assessed during the event through tests, problems, and simulations. Individual participants were awarded first, second, and third places based on their performance, while teams ranked accordingly. The team with the highest overall performance claimed the prestigious Cup as the prize.
The individual success of participants
Place |
Name |
Supervisor |
University |
First place |
S.Uilssaruul |
I.Uyanga |
NMCT -1 |
Second place |
А.Belguudei |
I.Uyanga |
NMCT -1 |
Second place |
U.Мichidgerel |
P.Ariunbolor |
Third place |
E.Battsengel |
I.Uyanga |
NMCT -1 |
Third place |
А.Ouynpurev |
P.Ariunbolor |
Special place |
Т.Batmunkh |
P.Ariunbolor |
Special place |
О.Khuselbaatar |
P.Ariunbolor |
Special place |
А.Batuudai |
I.Uyanga |
NMCT -2 |
Special place |
М.Мolor |
I.Uyanga |
NMCT -2 |
Special place |
М.Тurpurev |
B.Zorigt |
Teams success
Place |
University |
First place |
NMCT -1 |
Second place |
Third place |
NMCT -2 |
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