As a part of graduate major program “PhD Gateway” of Nagoya University, Japan, field research called ” Environmental Assessment in Ulaanbaatar” has been taking place since 2013 in collaboration with MUST and NUM. The fourth field research will be held in March, 2016; interested students should express their interest in order to participate. In total, four students from MUST will be selected to participate in the program, based on teachers’ evaluation and English language skills.
The following measurements will be carried out to study Ulaanbaatar’s pollution and its source:
Requirement for the entry
Interested students should send their CV (in English) and letter from a faculty to the email below.
Research period: Feb 28-March 08, 2016
Deadline: Jan 21, 2016
P.S: Research takes place between Feb 28 and March 08; participant must be able to participate
activities fully. Students should take care of their lectures if overlapped with the program.
Contac info: O.Monkhtsetseg (
School of Geology and Mining Engineering
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