As a part of agreement between the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Autodesk Company, the new training center had been launched, followed by its first training. In the opening ceremony, a group of the university’ officials along with professors participated: Ochirbat.B ,President, Vice-President of Academic Affairs, Enkhjargal.Kh ,Vice President of Economy and Development , Baasandash.Ch, Director of the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Ninjgarav.E, Director of the School of Applied Sciences, Buyantogtokh.D, Director of the Central Library of Science and Technology Gulinar.Ch, Chief of Department of Civil Engineering, Binderya.Z, Chief of Department of Architecture , Gonchigbat.I, Chief of Department of Environmental Engineering, Bold.B, Prof.Otgonbayar.P, and the departments’ professors.
In the first round of training there are thirty computers equipped with six programs of Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, Revit MEP, Revit Navisworks, Civil 3D, 3DS MAX; potentially more programs, suitable for Mongolian engineering environment, will be employed in the future. Participant taking a part in this program will be able to be granted an internationally recognized certificate.
P.S: click the link below to view TV5 channel’s news reporting on the opening.
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