A team, headed by Prof.Batsuren.B, from the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture had successfully participated in the annually held Olympiad in Novosibirsk, Russia. In Prototyping category, students Juzjasar.Ye/School of Mechanical Engineering/ and Iderbat.A/School of Industrial Technology/ won a 4th place, while Juzjasar.Ye, Iderbat.A, Otgonzaya.Kh/School of Geology and Mining Engineering/, Galkhuu, Kh/School of Civil Engineering and Architecture/ were placed on 7th, 20th, 21st, 29th respectively in the category of Modeling of Assembly Units. This experience helps to test skills of our students on international level, develop international relation, and improve quality of coursework, all of which in turn bolster students’ skill.
Furthermore, the students visited Nobosibirisk- Academic City’s Scientific Center and got familiarized with engineering sketch and design’s current state, reform and its use in industry.
We wish further success to our students, part of the team representing our school for the fifth time in this competition that has been held annually for 13 years and thank faculties who supported us immensely.
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Engineering drawing team
Click the link in blue to view Juzjasar.Ye’s sketches
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