Asian Studies Department of Foreign Language Institute, MUST has been teaching Chinese language for students of several majors with 2+2 curriculum of the School of Power Engineering. From this year on, competition known as “Chinese Language Day” is going to be held annually among the students. This year’s competition results are:
1 . In Chinese Calligraphy category, Badamgarav.B, Javzmaa.S and Ankhmandal.G won the first, second and third places respectively.
2. In Kanji Dictation category, Erdenechuluun.B, Togs-Oyun.Z, Nomin.M and Khishigdavaa.B were placed from 1st to 4th places in respective order.
3. In Chinese Eloquence category, Enkhtushig.E, Nomin.M, Demberel.O and Togs-Oyun.Z won places from 1st to 4th respectively.
We wish further success to the participated students and faculties who organized the event- Choijilmaa.L, Ariunaa.B, Galtmaa.Sh, Erdenezaya.Ts, and Lu Chen Zun.
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