MUST’s 76th bachelor’s and 38th master’s graduation took place on June 22-24, 2016, of which 6 were Ph.D., 370 masters from 78 majors, 2437 bachelors from 155 majors; 103 students graduated with distinction in their majors.
The ceremony was attended by director of school board, Buyantsogtoo.Ts, the president Ochirbat.B, vice-presidents Enkhjargal.Kh, Batchuluun.D, Jargaltuya.P, Director of Administration and Monitoring, Purev.L, and other officials of the university, such as branch schools’ directors and professors.
In the opening ceremony, president Ochirbat.B and professor Bathurel.G gave a speech. After successfully granting diplomas to the recent graduates, the ceremony was concluded by singing “Our pride- MUST” song..
We wish all the best to our graduates.
Office of Student Development and Service and MUST Alumni Association
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