At the invitation of H.E. Mr. Takenori Shimizu, Ambassador Extraordinarily and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Japan in Mongolia, Mr. Osamu Setokuma, Chairman of Governing board of Chiba Institute of Technology, Prof. Matsui Takafumi, Head of the Department of Aeronautics and Mr. Someya Akito, Director of President’s Office visited at MUST on 30th October, 2016. Prof. Kh. Enkhjargal, Vice-president for Education, Prof. Ch. Baasandash, Vice-president for Research and Innovation, Assoc. Prof. P. Jargaltuya, Vice-president for Student Affairs and Cooperation, Dr. A. Ganbayar, Dean of High School of MUST and Dr. T. Uuganbayar, Director of International Affairs met with the guests and discussed about mutual collaboration and the joint aeronautical research which has been conducted from the beginning of cooperation.
Chiba Institute of Technology is famous of its Research center of Robotics, Research center of Artificial Intelligence and Research center of Aeronautics. And it is ranked in the 65th place in world top universities and the 9th place in Japanese top universities.
During the meeting, Chiba Institute of Technology agrees and supports to sign on the cooperation agreement and expresses to collaborate in the fields of faculty and student exchange and joint researches.
Office of International Relations and Cooperation
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