On 31 March, 2017, Chemical Olympiad among the students successfully organized and Prof. P. Munkhbaatar, Head of Chemical Department, rewarded prize winners. There are 86 students in total, competed into A and B sections.
In B section competition, Ms. E. Narantsetseg, 4 year student of analytic chemistry took 1st place, Ms. B. Urtnasan, 3rd year student of chemical technology took 2nd place and Ms. B. Michidmaa, 3rd year student of chemical technology took 3rd place. And in A section competition, Mr. Ts. Tegshtulga, 1st year student of chemical engineering took 1st place, Mr. B. Batzaya, 1st year student of School of Power Engineering took 2nd place and Mr. Ts. Barsbold, 2nd year student of chemical technology took 3rd place.
Congratulations to all participants and good luck for the future study.
Chemical Engineering Department,
School of Applied Sciences
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