In the framework of cooperation agreement between MUST and Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), M. Temirlan, 3rd year student of Department of Architecture, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Byadagbadam, 4th year student of Department of Environment, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture selected for SPIKE Summer Training program for the period of 29th June to 18th August and allows 800.000 Korean Won scholarship. The program is involving the students for urban planning, environmental science and hydro-lab internship during the program.
We would like to extend our deep appreciation to Prof. J. Azjargal, Vice-dean, Prof. S. Chuluunkhuyag, Professor of Environment, Prof. Jon Hyog Jin, consultant professor, Prof. D. Basandorj, senior lecturer, Prof. I. Gonchigbat, head of the Department and Dr. E. Purev-Erdene, senior lecturer.
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