Dear students,
Exchange Asia is organizing 2 additional webinars on Why & How To Study in Asia, focusing on Indonesia and East Asia. These regions possess not only a vast and rich cultural heritage, but according to a recent report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, they are projected to be among the top 5 of the most powerful economies on earth by 2030 (1. China, 4. Japan, 5. Indonesia). Studying abroad in these regions can therefore be not only an immensely enriching experience in itself, but also an important investment into your professional future.
The duration of both webinars is 1 hour. They include a Q&A session in the end.
Study in Indonesia (Thursday, October 5th, 10 am (UTC +2, CEST))
Study in East Asia (China, Korea & Japan) (Friday, October 13th, 10 am (UTC +2, CEST))
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