International accreditation experts worked
2017-11-06 09:59

On 29th to 31st October 2017, the ABET ETAC accreditation experts worked at the School of Information and Communication Technology to accredit Telecommunication and Wireless communication undergraduate program. These programs are specific that firstly accredit in Mongolia even in Asia by ABET ETAC.

According to the evaluation and debrief, these programs got the assessment of “qualified” by the criteria of international engineering technology programs. The result of the accreditation will be issued in June 2018 by ABET’s accreditation committee meeting and submitted to the MUST afterwards.  

ABET accredit college and university programs in the disciplines of applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology at the associate, bachelor and master degree levels. And it’s 85 year experience and 2200 experts and well-known organization. ABET accredited 3852 programs of 776 colleges in 31 countries by October 2017.

Therefore, Mr. Ts. Batbayar, officer of National accreditation commission of Mongolia, worked as an observer.