The Chulabhorn Graduate Institute (CGI) is a multidisciplinary post-graduate academic institute established in 2005, under the initiative of Professor Dr. Her Royal Highness Princess Chulabhorn Mahidol. The aim of the CGI is to employ the most recent interactive teaching techniques used in world leading educational and research institutions to produce effective thinkers and leaders to better serve their countries’ needs towards sustainable development. The CGI is presently offering programs leading to a Master’s degree in Applied Biological Sciences: Environmental Health, Environmental Toxicology, and Chemical Sciences.
This year, ten (10) scholarships are available for NON-ASEAN international applicants to pursue a Master’s Degree study at the CGI. Selection of applicants will be based on merit.
Applications for the CGI Post-graduate Scholarship Program are due on 30 October 2020.
For detailed information:
Office of International Relations and Cooperation
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