Study IT in Korea!
2006-09-12 23:36 Админ
БНСУ-ын Top 3 university-ийн нэг болох KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, World Top 500 university-д бүртгэлтэй)-д IT management чиглэлээр MBA-д тэтгэлгээр 2007 оны 1 сараас судалгааны багт ажиллангаа суралцах боломж байна. Төгсөхдөө USA-д 3 долоо хоног internship (үйлдвэрлэлийн дадлага) хийх болно. Сонирхсон хүн хаягаар бакалаврийн диплом ба дүнгийн хуулбар, TOEFL, GRE, IELTS онооны хуулбараа сканнердаад и-мэйлээр бүртгүүлнэ үү. Бүртгүүлсэн хүмүүсийн материалтай танилцан KAIST-ын профессор Interview хийх цагийг бүртгүүлэгчдэд и-мэйлээр мэдэгдэх болно. Interview англи хэл дээр 10 сарын 2-3 хооронд УБ хотод явагдана.
Scholarship Available at KAIST
Graduate School of Information and Media Management,
Seoul, Korea
. About KSIM
KAIST Graduate School of Information & Media Management(KSIM, here after) was established in March of 2006 with strong ambitions to develop world-class business professionals that understand the paradigm of IT convergence technology.
The KAIST Graduate School of Management has been recognized for the past 10 years to have provided Korea s most competitive MIS/Telecom education program, producing 320 IT management professionals. With this experience and know-how, the newly-launching KSIM will provide a world class IT/Communication/Media-related convergence education program through enforcing the field of convergence and media.
Therefore, the curriculum is characterized by its focus on the recent IT Media trends and technology. The majority of the student body is expected to be MBA students delegated from the IT industry and governmental institutes. KSIM is distinctive for its 45 credit / 1-year program, and will also provide a 3-week customized training program during the summer in the United States.
II. Application Procedure and Required Documents
Time Table
Semester of Entrance
Spring Semester(starting from January 4th)
Application Period
~ October 31, 2006
Examination of applicant’s documents
Early November, 2006
Notification of admission results
Early December, 2006
• Websites:
For more information on applying at KAIST, visit
For more information on the Graduate School of Information & Media Management,

оруулсан Д.Туул