Japanese Government Scholarship Students 2007 by Tokyo Institute of Technology Recommendation
2006-11-15 23:06 Админ
Recruitment for Japanese Government Scholarship Students 2007 by Tokyo Tech Recommendation.
Tokyo Institute of Technology (Hereafter Tokyo Tech) is one of the major science and technology universities of Japan, composed of 6 graduate schools (the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, the Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology. the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering and the Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, the Graduate School of Innovation Management) and 3 undergraduate schools (School of Science, School of Engineering and School of Bioscience and Biotechnology).
There are two categories of Japanese Government Scholarship programs that graduate students can be accepted for by Tokyo Tech’s recommendation; 1) the General Graduate course and. 2) the International Graduate Program. It is not permitted to apply for both programs at the same time. For the General Graduate course (1), most students will enter Tokyo Tech as research students, and can choose to pass an entrance examination during the research student period in order to become master’s or doctoral students. Students from universities which have an academic exchange agreement with Tokyo Tech will be given priority to for the General Graduate course. For the International Graduate Program (2) students can apply from abroad to enter directly a master’s, doctoral or integrated doctoral education program, and will receive notification of acceptance in their home country. Students entering the International Graduate Program can attend lectures conducted in English in order to obtain their degree.
First, the applicant should contact a potential future academic advisor working in the field he/she desires to study and receive acceptance from him/her. Then the applicant should send the application documents to his/her future academic advisor. The applicant should pay special attention to submitting his/her TOEFL score and do the interview with his/her future academic advisor.
For more detailed information, please refer to the Department of International Cooperation of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (Office 218, Main Campus of MUST, Phone: 329081, 324590-1012).
Japanese Government —MONBUKAGAKUSHO- Scholarship
Tokyo Tech recommendation (General graduate course)

* It is unacceptable to apply for the General graduate course and International Graduate Program at the same time because they belong to the same category. i.e. University Recommendation for MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship.
Qualifications and Conditions
1        Student Status when you enroll Tokyo Tech: Research student (postgraduate level. non-degree) * You can enroll in Master’s course or Doctoral course if you pass an enrollment exam during you are a research student.
2*      Age: under 35 years old (born after 2 April 1972)
3*      Time of enrollment: October 1st, 2007
4*      Monthly stipend: Y172.000 (It might be changed.)
5*      Period of Scholarship: Up to 18 months (* It will be extended under certain conditions
6*      Settling-in allowance: 25,000(at the time of arrival only)
7*      Travel expenses: An economy class round-trip air ticket to and from Japan is provided
8*      Accommodation: Tokyo Tech dormitory for up to one year (if available)
9        Tuition waiver: Examination-fee, Admission-fee and Tuition waiver are available
10      Application deadline: December 20, 2006(submit to the academic advisor in Tokyo Tech.)
11      Final results from MONBUKAGAKUSHO: End of June, 2007


2*~7* - accepted under the guidance and assistance of MONBUKAGAKUSHO
8* - according to the circumstances of Tokyo Tech
Required Documents
1.      Application form *
2.      Application form (annex) *
3.      Field of study and study program *
4.      Certified copy of diploma or an official document that certifies that the student has graduated (original) (both undergraduate and graduate)
5.      Official transcript of the student‘s academic record (original)
(both undergraduate and graduate)
6.      Certificate that the applicant was among the best in his/her class at his/her university
(original) you can use the attached form Recommendation to verify the potential of applicant by Department Head, supervisor etc’
7.      Proof of nationality (original)
8.      Dean ‘s recommendation letter from the student ‘s home institution addressed to the president of Tokyo Tech. (original)
9.      Two copies of photo which are taken within the past 6 months (6cm X 4cm, upper body, front, no hats. write you name and nationality on a back side)
10.  Summary of thesis
11.  One copy of your passport containing the page of your name and photo
12.  Score of TOEFL taken within the space of two years before the application date
13.  Copy of the certificate of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (if available)
* designated form and original


Before applying, please contact or ask your academic advisor to prepare it in Japanese (for reference. visit htt://www.titech.ac.jp/whoswho/scnpts/WebSearch/zndex.htm
then access On-line People Directory)
Important Points
The applicant is requested to read thoroughly and understand all the important points below in advance.
·        It is unacceptable to apply for the General graduate course and International Graduate Program at the same time because they belong to the same category i.e. University Recommendation for MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship.
·        When applying for the University Recommendation for MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship through Tokyo Tech, it is unacceptable to apply to any other of the following categories of recommendations at the same time:
o       University Recommendation for MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship through another University
o       courses with recommendation of the Embassy/Consulate General for MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship
o       the JASSO Short-term Student Exchange program
·        Former MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship students can apply for the scholarship again if they have 3 years or more cf education or research experience after going back to their own countries.(except for Japanese language and Japanese culture research student)
·        The following persons cannot apply.
o       Civilians working for the military, or active military personnel
o       Persons who cannot come to Japan during the designated term (The date of entrance is October 1st.)
o       Persons who have other scholarships from any organization (including the persons own country government agencies) other than the Japanese Government (MONBUKAGAKUSHO)
·        The students who obtain the MONBUKAGAKUSHO scholarship through the University Recommendation cannot transfer to another university even when they proceed to a higher education level, because one of the prerequisites of the scholarship is that the student gets education or research advice at the same university where they obtain the recommendation. Moreover, during the duration of each course (Master’s course or Doctoral course), the students are not allowed to change their academic advisors.


 Оруулсан ГХГ-ын ахлах мэргэжилтэн Д. Туул

Утас 329081, 324590-1012