Уул уурхайн BHP компанийн Master,Doctor ийн тэтгэлэг
2007-05-22 18:07 Админ
Announcement of Application and Submission for
the BHP Billiton & the Mongolian University of Science and Technology Academic Excellence Scholarship

The Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) and BHP Billiton have signed an agreement to collaborate on the graduate education and training of MUST students. BHP Billiton will provide funding for graduate student scholarships to cover their living and tuition costs during their graduate program at MUST.

BHP Billiton is the largest diversified resource company in the world. Information on the company can be found from www.bhpbilliton.com.

1. The BHP BILLITON & the Mongolia University of Science and Technology Academic Excellence Scholarship
The Scholarship is USD 1,000 per annum per scholarship student. Each year 5 scholarships will be granted to the MUST students who are perusing their graduate studies in the following areas in MUST:
 Geology
 Mining engineering
 Metallurgical engineering

2. Legibility of Applicants
1) Excellent spoken and writing English
2) Excellent academic achievement, including well defined research program, strong research capability, being innovative
3) Demonstrated important innovation in research that potentially will benefit industry and society.
4) Strong leadership and social responsibility demonstrated.
5) Strong in communication and team working.

3. Application Submission and Processing
1) Students can obtain an Application Form for the BHP BILLITON Scholarships directly from the Department of International Cooperation of MUST, or download it from the MUST website (MUST website to be inserted).
2) A MUST Panel will review the application materials and give their recommendation on the scholarship students, which will be submitted to the Joint Committee for the final approval. The Department of International Cooperation of MUST will notify successful applicants in writing.
4. Application Materials
1) 2 copies of original of Application Form for BHP BILLITON Scholarships as well as one copy of electronic version.
2) A brief self assessment in Mongolian and English
3) All of the appended materials including subject transcripts, abstracts of the published papers if any.
4) Brief CV of student applicant and his/her advisor in Mongolian and English.
5) Letters from two referees, original and English translation

The deadline of application submission: 19th May 2006.

5. Application Contact
Contact person:Ms. Sarantuya Tsedendambyn
Contact address: (to be inserted)
The Department of International Cooperation of MUST
Website: (to be inserted)
Email: (to be inserted)
Telephone: (to be inserted)
Fax: (to be inserted)

1) Operating Regulations for BHP Billiton Scholarships at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology.

22th May 2007

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