The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation between “MNTT group” LLC, the official representative of Volvo Trucks in Mongolia, and School of Geology and Mining of MUST was held. P.Munguntsooj general director, D.Oyuntungalag general manager of “MNTT group”, B.Chinzorig director, L.Tumenbayar scientific secretary, and K.Khavalbolot head of mining department of School of geology and mining were participated this ceremony.
Encouraging cooperation between organizations, implementing joint research, training the company’s operator, mechanics, school’s junior lecturers and students on field, providing job for alumni will become available when MOU is signed. Moreover, parties will cooperate in multiple areas such as to organize short term courses and refresher training, to announce scholarships and to implement joint program which is intended to strength the human resource of “MNTT group” LLC.
MOU were signed by P.Munguntsooj general director of “MNTT group” LLC, and B.Chinzorig director of School of geology and mining.
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