Signing ceremony between MUST and Chiba Institute of Technology
2016-11-28 19:32

At the invitation of Mr. Shimizu Takenori, Ambassador Preliminary and Extraordinary of Japan, Prof, Osamu Setokuma, director of the Governing board of Chiba Institute of Technology (CIT), Prof. Matsui Takafumi, head of the Aeronautical department and Mr. Someya Akito, director of President’s Office, CIT visited at MUST on 22nd November, 2016 and discussed about the mutual cooperation between two universities, especially the joint research and cooperation on aeronautical studies.


During the visit, MUST and CIT established cooperation agreement between both universities. Mr. Shimizu Takenori, Ambassador Preliminary and Extraordinary of Japan, Prof, Osamu Setokuma, director of the Governing board of CIT, Prof. Matsui Takafumi, head of the Aeronautical department and Mr. Someya Akito, director of President’s Office, CIT and Prof. B. Ochirbat, President of MUST, Prof. Ch. Baasandash, Vice-president for Research and Innovation, Prof. P. Jargaltuya, Vice-president for Students’ Affairs and Cooperation and Dr. T. Uuganbayar, director of International Affairs attended in the ceremony.

CIT is famous for its Robotic studies, Artificial intelligence research center and Aeronautical research center etc. CIT is ranked in the 65th place in world universities ranking. And it’s ranked in 9th place in Japan and it is first time for Technology University. Establishing cooperation agreement allows exchanging faculty and students, joint research and workshops and all other possible ways to collaborate.

Office of International Relations and Cooperation